Cold-Pressed Castor oils has been used for various purposes due to its many beneficial properties.When combined with a base of grapeseed oil (Castor is is very viscous on its own to use), they can offer additional advantages Below are some potential benefits of this blend.
Hair Growth:
Castor oil is known to promote hair growth. Regular use of Castor oil may also be good at preventing or reducing baldness. Castor and Grapseed Oils are moisturizing and nourishing, as well as preventing hair loss & promoting healthy hair growth.
Inflammation and Swelling:
Grapeseed oil contains essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation and swelling associated with acne.It also Strengthens & Moisturises weak hair & prevent breakage.
How To Use :
Gently massage into the scalp, paying particular attention to the thinning areas. Use anytime needed.
Vitis vinefera (Grapseed) Ricinus communis (Castor) Oils Caution & Warnings.