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Mystique Rosemary Oil

Mystique Rosemary Oil

Combination of Rosemary and Grapeseed oils have been used for various purposes due to their beneficial properties.This particular blend has proved to be very effective as a hair tonic.

Hair Growth:

Rosemary oil is known to promote hair growth. A 2015 study revealed that Rosemary oil was effective in promoting hair regrowth in people with DHT-related hair loss.

Scalp Health:

Rosemary oil can help with scalp issues like dandruff and skin irritations. It promote the growth of new hair follicles.

Inflammation and Swelling:

Grapeseed oil contains essential fatty acids, vitamin E, and antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation and swelling associated with acne.It also strengthens and moisturises weak hair and Prevent breakage .

How To Use :

Gently massage into the scalp, paying particular attention to the thinning areas. Use any time needed.


Vitis vinefera (Grapseed) Rosemarinus officinalis (Rosemary) oils.

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