This section contains peroxide and bleaching products. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizer and is used as a bleaching agent and disinfectant. Peroxides are available in a variety of volumes and strengths., such as 10 vol peroxide, 20 vol peroxide, 30 vol peroxide, 40 vol peroxide . These peroxides are used to highlight hair while processing or tinting your hair. We present cream developers, powder bleach and peroxides to be used with hair colouring. LOreal presents Blond Studio 8 Lightening Powder this Multi-techniques Powder has power to work as classic highlights or a more natural balayage. The rapid white bleach powder has a powerful lifting action and is ideal for highlighting. You can choose the hair colour lightening system to get upto 8 levels of lift. This welloxon perfect crème developer by Wella is suitable to be used with Wella Koleston colours. Similarly the color touch crème lotion is a best match for the color touch colorants otherwise the truzone cream peroxide can be used as an alternative solution. Blondor lightening Powder by Wella can give maximum lightening affect up to 7 levels. The topchic developer lotion by Goldwell can be used and mixed with topchic hair colours by Goldwell .This professional developer activator by Matrix is suitable for SOCOLOR beauty and ultra blonde shades of Matrix. We have Catalyst cream developer by Fudge for professional use.
The professional Revlon Creme Peroxide uses hydrogen peroxide stabilising technology to ensure even developing power and mixing texture, helping you quickly deliver fantastic results for your clients' colour services.