Long human hair wigs are timeless and elegant. Whether you want to feel glamorous for an evening event, or sophisticated for an important meeting. With these Pak’s long hair wigs you also get the extra benefit of human hair. It offers the most natural look and feel, so you can match your natural style or go for something different. From long bobs to long length straight hair. We stock a number of wigs including Kara Pure , Vivica Fox and the Janet Collection . Enjoy feeling elegant with our long human hair wig collection. Browse the range below.
Its a Cap Weave HH Yaki 1214 is lovely and amiable. This human hair wig has a straight yaky texture.
The best taste human hair style mix Experience superior wig quality like no other.We exclusively introduce Brown Sugar Human Hair StyleMixTM, the wig designed to fit and last your everyday lifestyle. Brown Sugar s natural texture delivers maximum comfort so you feel no irritation only satisfaction. We never compromise when it comes to quality, which is why Brown Sugar delivers the best results when it comes to styling and lasting durability.Brown Sugar, the Best Natural Taste in Human Hair StyleMix, Wigs .
How to wear the Sleek Platinum human hair wig?
Quality hair that is soft & silky, natural texturing for easy styling, and full body hair for longer lasting beauty.