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Parnevu T Tree Herbal Grow

Parnevu T Tree Herbal Grow
PARNEVU T-Tree Herbal Grow is uniquely formulated to stimulate healthy growth while treating dandruff and eliminating flaky, dry, and itchy scalp. Regular use naturally promotes growth and the healing process for total hair and scalp health. Try PARNEVU T-Tree Shampoo and T-Tree Leave-In Conditioner for a complete curative system.

This unique hair growth stimulant and scalp treatment helps:
Stimulate hair growth
Prevent dandruff
Treat dry scalp

Massage a generous amount into scalp daily.
Comb through gently from roots to ends.
Re-apply to dry, damaged hair and scalp as needed.
Excellent for natural, relaxed, pressed, curled, or color-treated hair.
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