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Barbicide Disinfectant

It is Germicidal, Fungicidal, Virucidal and Pseudomonacidal. Kills H.I.V. 1 (A.I.D.S. Virus), hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus, herpes, ringworm, staph and numerous other pathogenic organisms. Disinfects scissors, combs, brushes and salon surfaces. Metals can be immersed for hours without rusting. Makes a clear blue solution with a pleasant fragrance and is fully biodegradable.

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Clippercide Aerosol Spray
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Clippercide Aerosol Spray
Clippercide Spray comes from the company behind Barbicide and has a 5-in-1 action that disinfects, lubricates, cleans, cools and protects against rust within 10 minutes of application.


Clippercide kills bacteria, fungi and viruses, including HIV-1 and TB.

Lubricates Blades:

Spraying your blades with Clippercide leaves a thin film of lubricant that reduces friction and helps to keep blades sharp.


The aerosol spray blows hair, dust and other rubbish from between the teeth of your clippers.


The coolant within the aerosol cools your blades on contact.

Prevents Rust:

Clippercide's anti-rust formula protects your clipper blades and prolongs the life of your clippers or trimmers.

Barbicide Disinfactant Solution
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Barbicide Disinfactant Solution
E.P.A registered hospital disinfectant for all salon tools. The only disinfectant that kills HIV-1 (Aids virus), Hepatitis 'B' and Hepatitis 'C' virus in 30 seconds. Helps to prevent cross infections from one client to another and can be used in its diluted form to clean and disinfect hard inanimate surfaces. Lifetime guarantee against rust.

Disinfecting Jar
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Disinfecting Jar
Barbicide Disinfectant Jar for your hair and beauty tools shows a commitment to hair and beauty hygiene and cleanliness, which is essential for maintaining professional standards.

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